Service provider for the feather and down industry
Established 1984. The Norderstedter Bettfedernhandel Uwe Clasen GmbH is successfully operating on the feather and down market for over 30 years.

Our countries of origin

Washed duck feathers and down. Through long term contracts with main producers and well sorted stocks we are able to supply German standard qualities at all desired quality levels within a fast and reliable shipping time

Prime goose qualities – guaranteed arriving from farms where the geese are being kept and raised according to their specie specific way.

Mainly prime goose qualities from smaller farms but duck feather and down qualities as well.

The Pyrenees mainly provide duck qualities.

Canada / Iceland
High value goods, e.g. Eider Down.

Mainly lower priced consumer goods. High quality products can be enquired.

Jugoslawia / Russia / Ukraina / Roumania
Good standard materials from ducks and geese.
We are supplying waterfowl qualities only.
Duck feathers – duck down
Goose feathers – goose down
According to requirement we are offering “original” feather and down materials or washed and sorted components.
Stable quality standards guaranteed through permanent quality control either by ourselves or by our suppliers confirmed by independent tests laboratories.

Permanent quality control
Regular visits at our suppliers and manufactures are securing a high quality level.
Extensive stocks of all regular items
Fast execution of sample requests
It would be our pleasure to be of service for your enquiries for fabrics / shells too